Our Service

  • Counseling together as we lay out your "game- plan" of marketing your existing home to obtain the most money yet get the timing needed for your next property!

  • Help in analyzing Market Conditions some of the tax and legal aspects, filling out disclosures recommending tradesmen, possibly "staging& carrying out our Super Marketing Plan!

  • A Quality Marketing Plan Property Brochures Virtual Tour filming, Open Houses, Office and Realtor Group Tours, Advertising, Multiple Listing Service with nationwide internet postings, Transfer Relocation companies, and follow-up with fellow brokers on what the Buyers are thinking!

  • Experienced Negotiations on your behalf getting the best price &terms, and a well written contract that covers your concerns!

  • Co-ordination of the Sales Process from fix up to marketing, to negotiating the contract to getting it carried out, and seeing that all parties are accomplishing their commitments for as smooth an escrow as possible!

  • Great communication together throughout the entire sales process You'll be reaching Bill Qin & Mengxi directly at all times, not shoved off to an“assistant or associate".

  • Friendly Follow-up after the Sale, to be sure your funds were wired properly, and that all bases were covered so you are a happy client& friend!